Have You Thought About Leaving Puffy Paws In Your Will ?

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Planned Giving Is
Investing in the Future
of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven Which
Assures the Security and Survival of All The Special Need & Unwanted
Kitties That Are Living Out Their Life's At Puffy
Paws Kitty Haven
A planned gift
is one which you make during your lifetime but which is not received by Puffy Paws Kitty Haven until a future date. It could
offer financial benefits to you, the investor, now while you are living.
Did you know there are planned gifts
that you can make and enjoy certain IRS tax benefits Now while having the joy of knowing you are undergirding the future of
these precious special needs kitties.
Please contact
your Law Firm for further guidance or please contact ours: Dawn Marie Bates-Buchanan, Esq. 941-749-3015.
Puffy Paws Kitty
Haven's contact number 941-623 -8904.

Considerations for Planned Giving - A Will
Surveys show that only 4 out of 10 Americans across all age groups have current wills, concluding that this is a subject
most people avoid. If a will is one of the most important documents you can own, why do so many people live without them?
Perhaps they think that by postponing death planning, they can postpone the inevitable? Or maybe they simply don't
want to take the time or money (a relatively small amount) required to create an up-to-date will.
We suggest that
it is time to think differently about a will. Think of planning a will as planning to improve and stabilize the financial
security of yourself and your family. By thinking in this way, you will be putting present goals first. You may have heard
that if you die without a will, the state will take all of your property.
While this is not usually true, it is
fact that the state in which you live at the time of death is going to step in and determine exactly how your property is
distributed—unless you have prepared a will.
Without a will, your wishes and good intentions are meaningless.
Your estate will be divided using a predetermined formula that won’t take into account special needs or circumstances.
In most states, your assets will go to immediate family—a portion to a surviving spouse and a portion to any
children you may have. If you have no immediate family, they will be divided among other relatives. State laws do not provide
for close friends, employees or other loved ones, such as your spouse’s family members.
Neither the old friend
that you wanted to remember with a treasured heirloom or the next-door neighbor who was always there to help will receive
as much as a dime if you don’t have a will.
The same holds true for charitable organizations that you may
have wanted to support generously after your death. If there is no will, there is no support.
A will allows you
to remember the people you care about and the kitties at Puffy Paws Kitty Haven.

If you plan
to make a charitable gift by will, please think it through carefully. Then, meet with your attorney to discuss and update
your will. Tell him or her exactly what you want to do.
Such As:
A General Legacy Statement:
I __________ devise and bequeath to Puffy Paws Kitty Haven, Inc., a non-profit agency registered in the State of Florida,
the sum of $_____ (or otherwise describe the gift; often a percentage of the estate is designated) to be used in the furtherance
of its mission and general purposes.
Be as clear as possible in describing what you want given to whom.

Here are eight generally accepted ways to make a bequest. You might discuss
them with your attorney as you prepare to update your will.
The following items
can apply in the case of bequests to individual heirs or bequests to charitable organizations.
Specific bequest. This is a gift of a specific item to a specific
General bequest. This is usually a gift of a stated sum of money. If there
is not enough cash in the estate for the specific sum, other assets must be sold to meet the
Contingent bequest. This is a bequest made on condition
that a certain event must occur before distribution to the beneficiary. A contingent
bequest is specific in nature and fails if the condition is not met. (A contingent bequest is also appropriate
if you want to name a secondary beneficiary, in case the primary beneficiary doesn't survive you.)
Residuary bequest. This is a gift of all the "rest, residue
and remainder" of your estate after all other bequests, debts and taxes have been
paid spouse. The following items are special considerations when you plan a charitable bequest
to help support the mission of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven.
Unrestricted bequest. This
is a gift for our general purposes, to be used at the discretion of our founder/director
and Board of Directors. A gift like this–without conditions attached–is frequently
the most useful, as it allows us to determine the wisest and most pressing need for
the funds at the time of receipt.
Restricted bequest. This type of gift allows you to specify
how the funds are to be used. Perhaps you have a special purpose or project in mind.
If so, it's best to consult us when you make your will to be certain your intent can
be carried out.
Honorary or memorial bequest. This is a gift
given "in honor of" or "in memory of" someone. We are pleased to honor your request and have
many ways to grant appropriate recognition.
Endowed bequest. This
bequest allows you to restrict the principal of your gift, requiring us to hold the
funds permanently and use only the investment income they generate. Creating an endowment
in this manner means that your gift can continue giving indefinitely.

of Giving
Charitable Gift Annuity
The concept
of the charitable gift annuity in America dates back to the 1870s, when a parishioner first donated
a valuable asset to the church in exchange for a flow of income. Today, the concept includes
valuable tax benefits for donors. Charitable Remainder Trust
What are your plans for the future?
While there is no single way to achieve all of your personal and financial goals, there is one
strategy that can meet many of your needs. It's called a charitable remainder trust. In the right
circumstances, this plan can increase your income, reduce your taxes, unlock appreciated investments,
rid you of investment worries and ultimately provide very important support.
Lead Trust
If your goal is to provide an inheritance for your children, but you would also
like to make a significant charitable gift through your estate, find out how a charitable lead
trust can help you satisfy both objectives. It's a charitable lead trust that can provide a significant
charitable gift through your estate and provide an inheritance to your children.
Replacement Trust
Perhaps you would like to make a sizable contribution to
Puffy Paws Kitty Haven now to help meet our current needs, but you don't want to reduce the estate you will
pass to your family. The solution? Purchase life insurance.
Retained Life Estate
One of your valued possessions, your home, can become a valued gift to us even while you
are still living in it, and even if you want your spouse or other survivor to live there for
life. This arrangement is called a retained life estate.
Leave your legacy
by making a gift in your will to friends, family and charitable organizations. A bequest is one
of the simplest ways to remember those you care about most.

Assets to Give
Gifts of Securities
The best stocks to donate are those
that have increased greatly in value, particularly those producing a low yield. Even if it is
stock you wish to keep in your portfolio, by giving us the stock and using cash to buy the same
stock through your broker, you will have received the same income tax deduction but will have a
new, higher basis in the stock
Gifts of Real Estate
If you own property that is
fully paid off and has appreciated in value, an outright gift may be the simplest solution. You
can deduct the fair market value of your gift, avoid all capital gains taxes and remove that
asset from your taxable estate. You can transfer the deed of your home or farm to us now and keep
the right to use the property for your lifetime and that of your spouse.
of Retirement Plan Assets
Did you know that nearly half your retirement plan assets can be eaten
away by taxes at your death? Learn how to preserve more of your estate for the people and organizations
that matter most in your life.
Gifts of Cash
The simplest
way to give. However, you can deduct a cash gift for income tax purposes only in the year in which
you contribute it. Your cash gifts are deductible up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income
for the taxable year, but any excess is deductible over the next five years.
Gifts of Life
You can donate a life insurance policy to us or simply name us as the beneficiary.
For the gift of a paid-up policy, you will receive an income tax deduction equal to the lesser
of the cash value of the policy or the total premiums paid. To qualify for the federal charitable
contribution deduction on a gift of an existing policy, you must name us as owner and beneficiary
Gifts of Securities: Closely Held Stock
Closely held stock,
that which is not publicly traded, can also be used as a charitable gift even if you want to maintain a control position
in the stock.

Gift Matches Your Goals?
Whether you want to eliminate taxes or benefit
from an increased income stream, there is a gift to fit every objective. And no matter how or
what you give, rest assured that you will be helping out animals that have been abused homeless and stray.
gift will help those in need now and those yet to be born.
Please contact your Law Firm for further guidance or please conatct
ours: Dawn Marie Bates-Buchanan, Esq. 941-749-3015.
Paws Kitty Haven's contact number 941-623 -8904.
Those touched by the Mission of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven share a common legacy.
With that legacy comes the opportunity, and the responsibility, to play a fundamental
role in continuing Puffy Paws Kitty Haven - “Hallmark of Making A Difference.”
We believe that all gifts are important. Puffy Paws Kitty Haven could not operate without
caring people who share our Vision and Mission. We also know that it is the consistent annual giving of all those who
treasure the Mission that remains paramount to our existence and will continue to provide the
foundation of all giving.
As you review our giving opportunities, be reminded of the
privilege and responsibility we have to be good stewards. When you support Puffy Paws Kitty Haven,
you demonstrate your commitment to a No Kill way of life
You Rick & Chrissy Kingston & Da Kitties Founders Puffy Paws Kitty Haven
